What being HUMMS are. (Kimmitch)

 The HUMSS strand is frequently viewed as the easiest academic strand since the specialized subjects take seems to be easy. However, not having any Math or Science subjects does not automatically mean that it's easy. As a student of the HUMSS strand, being told as "HUMSS ka lang" is really annoying because trust me our strand is not a piece of cake like what you're thinking.

We write a lot. Essay there, essay here. essay everywhere! Our writing skill needs to be in shipshape to meet the standards or rubric of the teacher. By writing a bunch of essays, we improve both our grammar and reasoning.

When you thought you've dodged math, well think again. Some of the HUMSS student chose this strand because of the fact that there is no additional Math subject, unlike STEM or ABM, be prepared for the math.

Researching, Since we need to write a lot of essays and I already mentioned that we read a lot, those two facts implies that we HUMSS students are required to do research intensively. Journal articles are required to do research intensively. Journal articles are becoming our new bffs and google. Tiring as it may seem, but I know it's just a way of preparing us for more research in the near future. (and my researching skills are getting better and better by the minute)

History may turn us back in time, but Archaeology and Geology takes un onto and unending journey. Being able to learn about different cultures without even interacting with them personally is really fascinating. We got to understand their different beliefs and traditions, which for me is the best part of it. HUMSS may seem to be the easiest, but you can trust me that it is the most interesting among the academic strands.
