Why I choose HUMSS. (Ella Nicole)

When I was in 10th grade I was undecided about what track I will be taking. I was torn between choosing HUMSS or ABM. But in the end, I still choose to take HUMSS (HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES) since this track will help me in my chosen field in the future. This field helps us to expand our knowledge of human culture and helps us to understand what binds us together and what differentiates us from one another. Also, this will enhance the speaking skills you build in this track and boosts your self-confidence.

My first semester has been tough for me because we just got through the pandemic that happened 2 years ago. The new normal face-to-face classes are new to me, it was different from what we are used to. As the days went by, I was able to adjust and adapt to the new normal, and eventually got used to it. I met different faces and build new friends. I even bond with them, as their homeroom president I even organized our first team building together with our supportive class adviser. It was a great way for us to bond and make fond memories. We also participated in our school events and we help and give support to each other as a family.

Choosing this trail improved my social communication, speaking skills, attitude, and most importantly my leadership skills. I am appointed as the leader every time we have activities. I became so active and confident in every activity that I'm doing. To be honest, being a leader is stressful, tiring, and challenging. But with all the courage and trust they have in me, I was able to handle my group mates.

Choosing this track was not a mistake at all. It helps me to improve my skills and mold my perspective in life. HUMSS helps me to choose where I belong. I believe as a student of Humanities and Social Sciences, "education is a very powerful weapon." Choosing this strand has never been easy, there are a lot of challenges and experiences I've encountered. it was tiring and a stressful strand, yet it was fun and interesting
